Digital technologies continue to advance all facets of healthcare, and with that the demand for developing Software as a Medical Device or SaMD has sharply increased.
Given the unique features of Software as a Medical Device that extend beyond a traditional medical device or hardware, companies developing SaMD need a development partner they can trust.
Over our many years in the business, manufacturers of medical devices have placed their confidence in Syncro Medical for critical elements of their products.
Our Digital Health team brings extensive experience in the core technologies underlying SaMD development and 30+ years of developing software for/as a medical device.
Make OUR Team an extension of YOUR Team
Bring us your interesting and complex SaMD products and we will respond with a wealth of experience and a perspective that ensures outstanding results.
Syncro Medical’s strongest and most valued asset is its exceptionally capable and deeply experienced Engineering team. A typical engineer has been developing medical product software for nearly 15 years.
Each Agile Certified team brings a wealth of perspective, talent, and experience to every client engagement, resulting in rapid ramp-up and efficient execution. Standing behind them is our Quality team with its integral management and FDA complaint process.
Our Engineering Managers are seasoned professionals in both software engineering and project management. Each has many years of experience assembling project teams, understanding client needs, and planning and executing medical development projects.